The mission of Tooth Fairies of California is to improve and maintain the oral health of Californians through preventative oral health care services, support and education.
The vision of Tooth Fairies of California is for all California families to have access to preventative oral health care services.
Cavities, also known as caries or tooth decay, are one of the most common Chronic Disease of childhood in Unites States. Good news is that cavities are 100% preventable!
Untreated cavities can cause pain, infection, and may lead to problems eating, speaking, playing, and learning. There are many school days missed in California due to dental issues. This leads to lower performance and lower grades. We have too many children with cavities and dental pain sitting in our classrooms. We have seen children with dental abscess, and some are even getting used to living with dental pain. If cavities are 100% preventable why are our children not being treated? Children with lower income families have limited access to dental care.
Tooth Fairies of California is dedicated to providing much needed preventative dental services to lower the number of cavities in children in need and improve their overall health. Preventative services are provided at the school site, which eliminates barriers such as transportation, missed work time for parents, and limited dental care access.